'Into Flight Once More' - Movie Review

For the 75th anniversary of D-Day in 2019, something like fifteen American DC-3 / C-47 aircraft flew from all over the U.S. to Normandy. Given that the planes involved were mostly between 70 and 80 years old, and each was separately and privately financed, this was a hell of an achievement. This 2022 TV special narrated by Gary Sinise documents the planes, the people, and the flights as they flew first to New York, then by steps (following an old World War 2 transit path) to Goose Bay, Greenland, Iceland, Scotland, and finally Normandy. They included footage from the D-Day flights, and talked both to the plane crews and to some of the remaining veterans who were on the D-Day landings.

This is a must-see for aircraft geeks (I'm in this group), a good thing for history buffs, and probably a dull slog for the rest of the world. I recommend it ... and those are the caveats.