'The Brokenwood Mysteries' Season 3 - TV Review

Yes, I'm binging the show. That's what the DVD box set said: "Binge-worthy."

First season review
Second season review

At some point later, there are more episodes in a season. But all three seasons so far are four episodes of 90 minutes each.

The show has found its groove. While it's a mildly annoying groove, it's also pretty good. The fact that the head detective's neighbour and buddy Jared (Pana Hema Taylor) has, in three years, been a suspect in FOUR (or is it more?!) murder investigations seems ... improbable. And I've noticed some poor character logic in places (Jared came in in the first episode as a womanizer, but now keeps to himself?! ... not the only logic problem), but for the most part the acting and stories have been quite enjoyable.