Linux BBQ Bork! - Review

  • "Bork!" is only one of many LinuxBBQ variant discs, this one is relatively low resource (see )
  • it boots as a live CD
  • installable via "sudo bbqinstall" with login/pass "root/root" (which they suggest you change ... odd, that)
  • based on Debian Sid (32-bit)/Siduction (
  • install appears to be an almost straight copy?
  • not a glossy newbie installer, but great for knowledgeable users, very straight-forward - ie. you have to fire up fdisk or similar and create the partition, then pass the partition to the installer on the command line
  • Openbox with tint2, 3.17 kernel, 742MB disc use after install
  • vim not installed, fine, but there's no installed version of vi either ... vi is a POSIX standard, make it available!! (they include "nano" - fine, but it's NOT a substitute)
  • no network connection, forced up with "ifconfig eth0 netmask up" and "route add default gw eth0" (this is VirtualBox, their choice of IP etc.)
  • I also had to add the local domain name servers to /etc/resolv.conf - BBQ had added a couple DNSes, but our local network blocks any name resolution except its own (sigh) - I think there was no network connection at all when I did the install, so I'm paying the price now that everything is back up
  • they use /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* rather than /etc/apt/sources.list . And the pointers are to Stuttgart and (again, possibly because of the network outage - I'm in Canada ...)
  • I find the use of Tint2 for a clock and task manager - but no launcher - a bit odd
  • uses the Dillo browser - seriously? the distro is big enough that you can afford a more capable browser ...
  • Iceweasel (aka "Firefox") would have taken up 87MB more disc space, Chromium 152MB
  • being based on sid/experimental, routine "apt-get update" commands can be huge - do it now, and every couple days at most, DON'T WAIT
  • I waited a month or so and the download was in excess of 3GB (really). I don't know how much in excess of 3GB because that amount had sucked up the entire partition and brought the system to a halt
  • which is the end of my interest in the distro (and anything based on "experimental" and probably "sid" as well, although sid shouldn't be quite as volatile): that's nuts and unusable